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Styling Essentials to Make Any Room Look Better

So you want to spruce up your space, but you're not sure where to start. This is a common lament I hear from clients who come to me looking for some design inspiration and advice. Some come to me with rooms that feel outdated. Some have blank slates and they're needing a push in one direction or another. Some are working with spaces within their homes that they just can't quite figure out how to decorate. No matter their starting point, all are looking to make the room look better. 

How to Improve the Look of Any Room

While all interior design scenarios are different, there are some styling essentials that apply in most - if not all - situations when it comes to improving the look and feel of a room. Small space or large space, blank slate or cluttered chaos, large budget or limited budget - here are 5 key styling principles you should stick to no matter what.

1. Remove Clutter

One of the easiest, cheapest, and most effective ways to make any room look better is to remove clutter. Whether that means getting rid of things (think garage sale, Goodwill donation, or garbage) or it means finding a home for things that are taking up space where they shouldn't be (think storage solutions), decluttering is often the first step towards improving a room's overall appearance. 

Decluttering tips: Do your best to keep surfaces clear. Baskets and bins can be great, but keeping clutter out of sight (behind cabinet doors) is ideal. Try to choose storage solutions that are both highly functional and align with your personal style. 

2. Make Sure The Room is Properly Lit

When it comes to decorating a room, many people don't think of lighting first - but the truth is that a room's lighting can make or break its overall ambience. In fact, improper lighting is one of the main factors that can make a room feel less-than-ideal.

Lighting tips: Maximize natural light whenever possible. Try to layer lighting by utilizing ambient, task, and accent lighting where appropriate. If you're looking to add some personality to a room, a statement fixture is a good option to consider. Mirrors can help reflect light to make a room feel more spacious.

3. Choose an Appropriate Color Scheme

Color is a great way to set the tone for a room (literally), but the wrong color can leave a room feeling less than its best. If you're looking for a low-budget way to spruce up a room, a coat or two of paint is a great place to start. 

Color scheme tips: Neutral colors are classic and timeless, but adding pops of color is key if you want the room to feel purposefully styled. Try adding color with rugs, pillows, curtains and other decorative accents if you're afraid to commit to a bold paint color. Keep the color palette consistent (and compatible with the other colors in your home) for a cohesive feel. 

4. Select and Arrange Furniture Logically

Sometimes a piece of furniture that you absolutely love can be the thing that's just not working in a room that you're feeling less than excited about. Size and scale are key when it comes to choosing furniture, and it can be tough to know if a piece works before seeing it in the actual space. 

Furniture arranging tips: Don't overcrowd a room with furniture; start out by assuming that less is more and go from there. Avoid oversized pieces in small spaces and try to choose furniture that matches the scale of the room. Consider conversation patterns and traffic flow when laying out your furniture. 

5. Curate Accessories and Decor Strategically

If you're looking to improve a room's look, another easy and inexpensive place to start is with accessories and decor. Sometimes, these things accumulate and leave a room feeling cluttered and chaotic as a result. Other times, a room is too sparse or impersonal, so the key is adding items - perhaps even things from other places in your home - that will make it feel a bit more cozy and lived in.

Accessory and decor tips: Hang artwork at eye-level. Select a mix of personal touches (like photographs) and items that complement the room's style. Add greenery to freshen a space, and mirrors to make a space feel larger and lighter. Mix complementary patterns and fabrics to add texture and dimension.

In Conclusion

Interior design can feel (understandably) intimidating, especially to those with limited experience. These 5 styling essentials can help anyone make some progress towards improving the look of any room. 

Want a room revamp to feel a bit more achievable? Be sure to check out my post about approachable interior design as well.

Think you've taken your space as far as you can on your own, but know it still has some room for improvement? Let's tackle it together. Schedule a discovery call with me today and we'll figure out how to revamp your space so it better suits your style and reaches its full potential.