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confessional Alyssa Kelley confessional Alyssa Kelley

Monday Mindlessness

Has this ever happened to you? Over the weekend your brain is exploding in thoughts and ideas about work… This blog post subject or that one. A post idea. A good topic to run a course on. Marketing and advertising plans… I mean, you name it and this weekend, I thought about it. But now, I am sitting at my desk, ready to put these thoughts and ideas into action and I can’t even find the right words to type!

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confessional Piper Creative confessional Piper Creative

You Worry About Yourself.

I am a mom. Which means that my brain, emotions and actions are no longer 95% about me, but 95% about her and everyone else. It also means that I suffer from “mommy guilt,” and thus, I now neglect self care. I feel like this affects most moms and it makes me sad! Unfortunately, I don’t have all of the answers and this is really just a quick blog about my recent revelation on the subject.

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confessional Piper Creative confessional Piper Creative

One of “Those Days”

UGH FUCK THIS SHIT! I am feeling that today. It is one of “those days,” where absolutely nothing is easy, fun, or going the way that I want it. It seems like everything is exponentially more difficult, taking me twice as long as it should and making me want to scream bloody fucking murder. Ya feel me?

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confessional Piper Creative confessional Piper Creative

Voting for the President of the United States of America

Today is Election Day in America. We are fraught with anxiety, anger, hate, bitterness, and resentment. This is my fifth time voting for the President of the United States and I hated every minute. In previous elections I have been excited to vote, I have been well educated on my vote. I felt a genuine privilege to be an American who had the opportunity to vote.

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confessional Piper Creative confessional Piper Creative

2020 & the Concept of Time (or lack thereof)

I’ve been having a lot of conversations with friends that go something like this, “It was like, I don’t know… two weeks ago? No wait, maybe a month or so ago??” Only to conclude that whatever “it” was happened back in the Spring. I just don’t have any concept of time anymore, what day of the week it is, what month it is or why it even matters.

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confessional Piper Creative confessional Piper Creative

5 Reasons to Love Houseplants

This time last year I was just settling into my new work environment and getting to know my co-workers. Most of them had a plant or two at their desk, but Fagel had four or five and would talk about them like they were her children.

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confessional Piper Creative confessional Piper Creative

The Journey Home

It has been a long road getting here – “here” being in my home, full-time. I’ve worked for someone else since I was 15, and I’ve never really cared too much for authority. As my friends would say, “I do what I want,” and I do!

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